Appendix 1 – Salary Benchmarking


This chart compares the average maximum basic salary of 113 different roles across 11 local authorities in the South East region with the maximum basic salary of the same/similar roles that exist in Brighton & Hove City Council

Each vertical orange bar represents the South East average maximum salary for a role and the blue line represents the maximum salary for the equivalent role in Brighton & Hove.

Where the orange bar rises above the blue line this means the Brighton & Hove salary for a role is less than the South East average.  Conversely where the orange bar stops below the blue line, this means the Brighton & Hove salary is above the South East average.


South East Local Authorities included are:


Portsmouth City Council

Waverley Borough Council

Buckinghamshire Council

Swale Borough Council

Maidstone Borough Council

Arun District Council

Isle of Wight Council

New Forest District Council

Runnymede Borough Council

Elmbridge Borough Council

East Sussex County Council